Monday, 31 December 2007

Top Eight For '08

There are just two hours away from the new year of 2008, and I've been tagged by PC to list my eight wishes for 2008. This year is an important one, with both the American and New Zealand elections coming up.

1) National wins the New Zealand election, hopefully with enough to govern alone. Then, John Key may summon up the guts he needs to repeal the Electoral Finance Bill, Anti-Smacking Bill, etc., and delivers much-needed tax cuts for the middle class.

2) Republican triumph in the American election, with Guliani becoming the president, hopefully to stem the tide of the increasing bureaucracy that the US government now comprises.

3) A major, popular but rational upheaval against Environmentalism occurs, and Al Gore, being increasingly denounced on the public stage, stopping all the moaning, whinging and lying.

4) A acceleration and growing of the movement against nanny state here in New Zealand, resulting in a major, final embarrassment of Labour before the election. Helen quits after the election.

5) Increasing recognition, thanks to the likes of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Christopher Hitchens, of the threat of Islamofascists to the peace and security of the West.

6) The Burj Dubai is completed, the Chicago Spire gets well underway and several new 500m+ towers are put on the drawing board.

7) School gets a lot better after leaving the third form.

8) I finish Atlas Shrugged before the school holidays are finished, and read more of Rand's books throughout the year.

And, as an afterthought, for SOLO:

SOLO, to become a haven of tolerance and respect for all posters, with Nick Otani finally agreeing that Leonid is right after all, but only because he "is following his instincts" that this is the right thing to do.

...just kidding.


riki said...

Happy new year Callum

This is gonna be a great new year for Kiwis to cruise and bath under the eloquent and syrupy promises of the communists in their dying desperate throngs and choose to either laugh and be entertained or completely ignor them.

I don't really believe National will cary the election but they will win with the maori parties support. I don't think this previously unheard of coalition has sunk into the electorate yet, but by November it will be a real and viable reality.

Now, in saying al this, I am tempted to tick Maori party but am still convinced of the Liberterian vision. any words of encouragement.

Callum said...

riki, happy new year to you, too.

As for the Maori Party, I doubt they vote on anything that can't advance their racist agenda of Kiwi apartheid, or won't get them more support. The Maori Party relies on the stereotype of the entire Maori population living in poverty. While it is true that an above average number of Maori do live in poverty, they ignore the large numbers of Maori NOT living in poverty. If they took centre stage, a lot of support for the Maori Party would go instantly.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

I think it will be more likely Huckabee than Rudy in America.

Amused at your comments about the National party vs Labour...(rather like tossing a coin to decide whether Hitler was worse than Stalin)...a more positive scenario would be the Libertarian Party getting 150,000 votes and 7 MPs as causing the changes you seek.

Callum said...

"Amused at your comments about the National party vs Labour...(rather like tossing a coin to decide whether Hitler was worse than Stalin)...a more positive scenario would be the Libertarian Party getting 150,000 votes and 7 MPs as causing the changes you seek."

That would be nice. However, Labour can't continue on its path of destruction much longer. I am hoping that National will win, but not at the expense of the Libertarianz.